Tuesday, February 22, 2005


Today I just had one of those weird flashback thoughts to a conversation I had in high school.
It was something I remember a friend said about her parents and how they only talk about bathroom tiles anymore (they were in the midst of remodeling). I was wondering what is it about us that makes us fall into those mundane conversations. I mean, is it just normal life stuff? Sometimes we need to talk about those mundane things, afterall they are a part of our lives. I was wondering for myself as one of my insecurities has been creeping up on me about not being stimulating conversation--how long will it take the next man in my life to get bored with me. I try to push these thoughts aside, but they have been creeping in a lot more lately. I've been thinking up these longs lists of reasons why I am "undesirable" and caught myself making one while I was taking a walk the other day, and finally I said out loud (so I would really hear myself) "Joyella, stop it. Now make a list about all the things that are desirable about you," and that helped some.


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