Saturday, October 08, 2005

Mommy, do you want another baby?

This was the question posed to me by D, my five year old son tonight after laying his head on my stomach. Several other people we know have had or are having babies this year, so it is a hot topic. First D said he was listening to the baby, and when I replied, "There is no baby in there," he asked how I know. (Trust me I know! unless we have another immaculate conception.) I said, "Well I need a husband to make a baby, and I don't have a husband, so no baby." Then he asked me if I wanted another baby, which is something that I haven't really decided. I mean I don't want one now as a single mom, but I don't know what God has in store for me. I am healthy, I am childbearing age, and I believe it is possible that I may remarry, but that doesn't even mean I will have more babies. Fortunately for me, it is out of my hands and in God's.


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