Thursday, November 04, 2004

Happy Birthday, indeed!

M gave me this lovely book called "Against Love: a polemic" by Laura Kipnis. Before I throw it into the fire, I thought I would try to read a little, it can't be that bad. Oh, but it is. Like when he loaned me his Duran Duran tape in 1986, and I imagined that every song was personally dedicated to me, this book is his reason for leaving me. I can't stand to have that dagger wiggled and jiggled in my heart while I read all that Laura has to say against love.

What baffles my mind is how someone can be so blind to the love they have received, to not even recognize it, to not know what love is-to say that no one knows. How does this happen? God is Love. But M has rejected God and all His goodness, included the love of a spouse.

Not a very happy day, but feeling slightly revived after hot strawberry champagne bath and cranberry hard cider.


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