Friday, October 22, 2004

"It's not you, it's me"

These are the famous break-up words that we all know too well, either from experience, or from Jerry Seinfeld. I have heard them all too many times over the past ten months, and am beginning to think that there is some truth in that statement. It is all too easy to take this whole separation personally, as a personal rejection, which in some ways it is. That is really hard. Not that I think I am perfect, no, but that after ten years of marriage and three before that of dating, one would think that there is something worth holding on to there. But it isn't really about me, it is about M's discontent. His world view, morality, and values have all shifted to center, not on God, but on himself. This new perspective doesn't jive with the sacrifices and intimacy required to make a marriage work. Marriage, I believe, is intrinsically good. It was instituted by our creator, and intended to bring about good. "It is not good for man to be alone." M used to agree with me here, I remember listening to a Mars Hill audio tape on the subject years ago, and how in agreement we were as we listened. He no longer holds this view either, it has been replaced with the idea that marriage is simply a social construct that helps to provide stability for children and society.

So I have failed to provide him with any really good excuses to leave, other than the fact that he doesn't want to be married, (or should I say, isn't sure about it) and that above all, he values autonomy. Hmmm. If only I were mean, grotesque (two points he himself sited), a bad cook or brutal mother would I understand this rejection, but then again, it isn't me, it's him.


Blogger Joyella said...

Okay, thanks Kris. It was not my intention to write this to fish for any compliments, just to vent a little. I know I am valued as a friend, mother, daughter, and sister, and right now, that is enough for me.

8:30 AM  
Blogger J-Lynn said...

I have been "blog hopping" tonight and I forget how I even came to yours. I've been reading quite a bit and wanted to say how sorry I am. I shed many tears on different posts of yours. I know you will be OK, and I admire how you are working through everything and trying to become a better person in spite of (or because of?) these difficult circumstances. I've written about marriage before but it only works when both are fully committed. I have to admit I do worry about my DH wavering from that because the responsibility is so much bigger and less glamerous than it used to be. All I can do is pray, like you have. And despite what happens we'll know God is with us. I'm glad you have that, He will never forsake you...
Thank you for sharing your heart with the world...

Deuteronomy 31:8 "And the LORD, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed."

7:55 PM  

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